Afterlife…Beyond the Veil of Human Mortality! Different Perspectives Among Scholars Under the Microscope


Christians ought to know better what the Christian Bible actually teaches us about Heaven, Hell, This Life and the socalled ‘Afterlife’, and what happens to us after we die!  OR DO WE?  Sadly many pick scriptural verses to suit their innate desires, because God put eternity into our hearts at birth, and yet we do not take clear notice of what God actually does have  in store for mankind and which can be learned if the Bible is studied in its entirety and is not clipped into bits and pieces.  Ecclesiastes 3: 10, 11.

Yet the scriptures make it very clear and plain.   Many in our world are being deceived in this and what the Bible refers to as, ‘our war not one of the flesh, but the war of the spirit’.  A fact that is prophesied in the gospels and is clearly seen manifested within the social structure of our chaotic world conditions happening today.   Many will be deceived in the last days, not by the Christian teachings but by unseen forces working behind the scenes in the guise of ‘angels of light’, aiming to deceive and turn humans into  disobedient sub ljects away from the true God, albeit unwittingly so, or in other words they are unaware in what they take on as truth is in fact deception on a grand scale.  As  Satan and his armies are powerfully using and manipulating many in order to mislead the world these entities are busily promoting the deception from its infancy in the Garden of Eden – of an “Afterlife” or the immortality of the soul, and so he continues to perpetuate the ‘original lie’.

As he said to Eve in the Garden of Eden that eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, she would surely ‘not’ die.  This is the main focus of contention which is raging between the forces of good and evil, between God and Satan.   The Bible refers to Satan as ‘the father of the original lie’ and humans are merely used as pawns in these exchanges and the ongoing tug-o-war between ‘good’ and ‘evil’.

God clearly stated to Adam in Genesis 2:17 regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that, “in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die!  Despite reaching a ripe old age Adam did eventually lose his life as did all of his offspring and mankind as a whole.  Eternal life was gifted to the first man and woman but that privilege was lost through a simple act of disobedience.  When Satan came along to deceive the pair and tempted them to consider their free will to choose as they wilst, he simply told Eve:

Genesis 3:4 King James Version (KJV)  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.  

God’s plan is to restore earthly paradise conditions during the thousands year reign.  Many laugh at this idea, as they consider that the earth would brim over with over population.  But who is to say that in a state of perfection where we use 100% of our brain’s capacity and physical capacity, we might be able to inhabit other planets?  The Universe is infinite.  There is no end to the possibilities.  If you can believe in Aliens and the way they manipulate space and time, is it then so hard to believe in an almighty energy, the Creator, the benefactor and maker of the entire Universe?

Our well known Lord’s prayer speaks of this loud and clear: Matthew 6:10, “Let your Will be done upon earth as in heaven”.  So we can assume that when this noble  aim has  been achieved, Earth and the planet upon which we live and which is our real hell today, will be made perfect also and will be made new again. .  Why does God promise in Matthew 5:5  that “The Meek shall inherit the Earth?” I would then also expect we would inherit the entire planetary system that exist for us to inhabit, and that we may become its guardians?   Are they just empty promises?  He shall do this by means of his new Heavenly theocratic rule from Heaven.  Everything is possible by God’s standards, yet nothing works absolutely perfectly if managed by man’s intellect alone, and that all these promises of a life everlasting on planet earth can be made possible by this Universal Creator of all things.   It is an inconceivable concept for many.  Is life in heaven for all eternity than also not an inconceivable concept?  The skeptics will not choose one or the other prospect, yet many of these same new age adherents  (not religiously oriented) will still maintain that we have a ‘universal consciousness’ that travels into other realms and spiritual dimensions?  The question is, who do you believe?  God, Satan, or the philosophies of vain Man?   I would say that when we die our Spirit goes back to He Who gave it, for safekeeping until the day of the Resurrection of both the ‘Righteous and the Unrighteous.  Acts 24:15 as He wants all to attain to life everlasting.   Death will be swallowed up forever!  Romans 5:17  Perhap having a NDE if a person dies on the operating table or whatever other reason they experience this, might only be a temporary bird’s eye view of what is to come? 

Many who do experience an NDE, and are being told it is not your time yet, perhaps only God knows whether your body can be regenerated even after being in the ‘dead’ state for a prolonged period.  But should that individual not wish to ‘go back’ and would be allowed to ‘stay’, then perhaps they will then go to that ‘sleep’ … until the day of the Resurrection?    These thoughts are mere suppositions, as no one really knows what is real and what is imagined, or what is factual?  But it is good to consider all ideas and realities by diligent study and research.  Most of us are born with ‘instincts’ and will find the happy medium that rings most true.

When God tells His people through his word not to consult with mediums, psychics and soothsayers, He did so for a reason.  Knowing full well that there are indeed powerful hierarchies of evil origins that are permeating those otherworldly dimensions and are present all around us 24/7, and have been since times’ beginning.  God gives us advice to not allow ourselves to become embroiled or deceived by these powerful practices;  yet we keep doing it.  And all in the name of God, who is warning us against it.

But that said, what about these journeys millions of people have experienced in their NDE, OBE and periods of Consciousness Awareness experienced by many, when meeting their death’s knell through traumas experienced during operations, or car accidents, or when drowning and who all in their own way experienced that state of clinical death and were being pronounced dead?  But were able to tell the stories of their otherworldly experiences when resuscitated back to life. Where does the truth lie?  The truth is there and the facts are also there to back up these personal and close up  experiences which were researched by a body of very brave medical people in a global effort to take up their torch of progress and thinking outside the box.  Now it is time to open our minds.

Emerantia Parnall-Gilbert, November, 2018






SO WHAT ARE WE TO BELIEVE?  Afterlife, the survival of our Consciousness beyond death, NDEs and OBEs.   Why is it still taboo, smirked at and frowned upon by the mainstream medical and the Medical Scientific communities around the world erring on the side of shortsightedness and somewhat draconian attitudes.  Perhaps it’s time to shake loose the narrow views and concepts we’ve adapted to for so many decades since entering the 21 st Century, leaving many still isolated in their secret experiences while undergoing the knife, and experiencing their NDEs and OBEs after having been announced clinically dead?  Then were resuscitated to recall their journey into another realm?

Ok!  But hang on!  That is what I wrote in early 2018.  Would you be surprised to learn that after much more reading and deep research, we are now aware of the fact that medical scientists, surgeon, doctors, and oncologists, and psychologists and hospice nursing staff across the board, have all actively become more open and  involved behind the scenes, exploring the possibilities that there is more to us as a species than was previously assumed.  Until recently when this knowledge came to our attention, we were surprised to learn that this active exploration into what some refer to as a field considered to run parallel to the ‘paranormal’, has been going back a number of decades now.   Much research and ongoing monitoring and recording of patients who have brought these phenomena to the attention of the medical profession, many professional bodies are coming to the conclusion that perhaps we need to take heed and stock of what patients have and still are revealing after having experienced an NDE or OBE, as they go through a clinical death experience.

Perhaps a rewrite may be warranted of what was generally the accepted understanding what drives our human anatomy and set as in concrete about our human mortality and what regulates our brain matter, and which rightly so now seems to be on the agenda as a generally and fairly widespread acknowledged phenomena, worthy of further exploration by mainstream medical and scientific communities in a cooperative global initiative.

From the results recorded by professionals in the industry and what those of mainstream society have experienced on a global scale, has turned the theoretical assumptions on what makes us humans tick, kind of obtuse, if not entirely having been turned on its head so to speak.  With the advent of modern medical technology and its developmental growth and progress experienced  in great strides and bounds than ever before; time has come to re-evaluate what ‘Experiencers’ have expressed over the course of many decades,  and have boldly talked about their journey into the so referred to, their brief encounter with the  ‘Afterlife’.   I say ‘brief’ experience, as the general consensus is always that the place they journey to seems timeless, as if time stands still in the infinite realm of time.  A place where they feel they have spend hours or what seemed an inordinate amount of time, which in terms of earth time may only have been a matter of minutes, but for some has proved to be 30 minutes or more as a clinically dead person.  Those who are revived from the claws of the dreaded death knell on the operating table, are able to regale their trip to the other side, and today these experiences are being well recorded for further future and ongoing research in collaboration with those involved in the medical profession and professionals within the scientific community.

No longer afraid maybe facing ridicule and being looked on as slightly unbalanced individuals with very fertile imaginations, today all is out in the open and most patients feel compelled to write about their journey.  Many come back completely changed, and their life’s priorities completely re-arranged in order of their importance, it seems their former lifestyles are also often completely overhauled and changed, but for the better in most instances, but for some even having had to face the experience of total rejection from loved ones, which I guess is sadly a very negative side affect of the biggest emotionally charged experience any human may have to face, when coming face to face with ‘that eternal light’ which most refer to a God.

Specifically speaking, today there is much interaction and cooperation between both the general public and those involved in the Quantum Sciences technology and ongoing research into what constitutes the human condition, where both the physiological and psychological  development is focused.   Those involved and well known within the medical profession are now often seen gathered at Symposiums and Forums around the globe, where they come together to discuss the ongoing phenomena of the so called possibility and authenticity of ‘the Afterlife’ and OBE experience.

This cooperation clearly indicates progress and a sure willingness that these extraordinary phenomena deserve to be addressed, and ought no longer to be brushed aside and ignored, and which hopefully might also in time be fully embraced one day.   The biggest advocates are those who work within the medical profession and who have themselves been subject to an NDE, or OBE experience.  Our advancing technology in all areas of life and society have certainly made the many facets pertaining to our material and our spiritual world, and that of our human makeup very much visible.  The progress that is being made and in exchanging views by coming to a deeper understanding of what constitutes the ‘spiritual’ side of our human nature  certainly opens up the way and draws sharper and more defined contrasts between what we formerly supposed to be the case, and which may in turn manage to dispel the ridicule and taboos associated with the “Afterlife”, OBEs and NDEs phenomena, especially within the mainstream of our Western Cultural and Religiously influenced societies.